praxis für zahnmedizin

Our team consists of experienced and committed professionals who deal with a lot engagement take care of your dental health. Each team member brings unique expertise, which, when used as a team, ensures excellent patient care.
About me:
Dr. med. dent. Panagiotis Koulocheris
Marital status: Married
Nationality: Switzerland
Promotion to “Dr. med. dent.” at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg i.Br. (D).
Acquisition of the diploma “Specialist dentist for oral surgery” from the State Dental Association of Baden-Württemberg (D).
09.1995 -10.2000
Studied dentistry at the National Kapodistrias University in Athens (GR).
Diploma grade: “very good” (7.19)

Takeover of the practice of Dr. Bournakas in Horw (Lucerne).
Takeover of the practice of Dr. Bournakas in Horw (Lucerne).
Opening of dental practice Dr. Koulocheris in Lucerne
01.2020 - 09.2021
Practice manager, general practicing dentist, oral surgeon & Implant specialist at Adent Group AG, Sarnen and Giswil (Obwalden).
11.2019 - today
Prison dentist in JVA Grosshof, Kriens.
08.2011 - 12.2019
Centre manager, general practising dentist, oral surgeon and implant specialist at zahnarztzentrum.ch AG, Lucerne Pilatusstrasse. Certified professional trainer for dental assistants.
04.2008 - 08.2011
General practicing dentist at zahnarztzentrum.ch AG, Lucerne Oral surgeon & Implant specialist at zahnarztzentrum.ch AG Lucerne Zug, Zurich, Bern, Basel, Winterthur and Solothurn.
02.2007 - 03.2008
Specialist dentist for oral surgery in the clinic and polyclinic for oral and maxillofacial surgery at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg i.Br. (GER) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. Rainer Schmelzeisen.
10.2003 - 01.2007
Further training as an oral surgeon in the clinic and polyclinic for oral, maxillofacial and facial surgery at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg i.Br. (GER) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. Rainer Schmelzeisen.
09.2001 - 10.2003
Sergeant, dentist and deputy head of dental medicine at the military hospital in Souda on Crete (GR).
Specialist training
11.2014 - 05.2017
04.2012 - 10.2012
04.2006 - 09.2006
“Invisalign Go” qualification
Lumineer and Veneer certification. Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Curriculum “Prosthetics”
Curriculum “Geriatric dentistry and care”
Sonographic diagnostics in oral, maxillofacial and facial surgery
Opening hours:
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m
Sat: 09:00 - 14:00
Tel.: 041 207 41 41